This public lecture was given by Jan Gehl at the Strelka Institute in Moscow on the 15th of July 2013. It is a more detailed version of the presentation for the study of Moscow that we published earlier.
This public lecture was given by Jan Gehl at the Strelka Institute in Moscow on the 15th of July 2013. It is a more detailed version of the presentation for the study of Moscow that we published earlier.
The Center for Active Design is building its reference collection of innovative projects that use the design of the built environment to promote health. Accepted projects will be featured among our case studies, and may be tapped for future conferences, publications, and exhibitions. Submitted projects should exemplify the strategies found in the Active Design Guidelines, and […]
An interesting service that allows to compare a few famous cities (London, Paris, Delhi, Tokyo etc.) by different parameters like Housing Density, Population Density, Traffic and others you can find on Urban Observatory. It is a comparison of housing density for Abu Dhabi, Delhi and Paris.
For about a year Gelh Architects worked on research for Moscow preparing recommendations for making the city livable and comfortable for people. The full report is published as a very nice book. On this video you can see a short presentation of the report.
Interesting speeches from David Sim (Gehl Architects), Andreas Dalgaard (the director of films “The human Scale” and “Cities on Speed — Bogotá Change”) and architects Rory Hyde and Felicity Stewart at Vivid Ideas festival in Sydney. They talk about Urban Space and how to make it more comfortable for people.
A great film by William H.Whyte analyzes the most important characteristics that help urban places to become real Social Spaces.